Repo for my website
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181 lines
4.8 KiB

5 years ago
baseURL = ""
# baseURL = "http://localhost:1313/"
5 years ago
title = "Maik de Kruif"
languageCode = "en-us"
# theme = "hello-friend-ng"
theme = "maik-blog"
paginate = 10
rssLimit = 10
copyright = "© Maik de Kruif (maik_dev). All rights reserved."
PygmentsCodeFences = true
PygmentsStyle = "monokai"
archetypeDir = "archetypes"
contentDir = "content"
dataDir = "data"
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enableMissingTranslationPlaceholders = false
disableRSS = false
disableSitemap = false
disable404 = false
disableHugoGeneratorInject = false
googleAnalytics = "UA-136337666-1"
5 years ago
posts = "/posts/:year/:month/:title/"
name = "Maik de Kruif"
dateform = "Jan 2, 2006"
dateformShort = "Jan 2"
dateformNum = "2006-01-02"
dateformNumTime = "2006-01-02 15:04 -0700"
# Metadata mostly used in document's head
description = "Hey there, my name is Maik de Kruif, I create websites, bots and other kinds of software. At the moment, I'm still studying computer science at Avans University of Applied Sciences. I am also a big fan of open-source software, which is why you'll find many of my projects on Github. And last but not least, I love playing around with cyber-security related stuff."
keywords = "Devloper, Software Engineer, Maik, Computer Science, Portfolio, Blog"
5 years ago
images = [""]
showReadingTimeInList = false
5 years ago
homeSubtitle = "Maik de Kruif (maik_dev)"
# Prefix of link to the git commit detail page. GitInfo must be enabled.
# gitUrl = ""
# Set disableReadOtherPosts to true in order to hide the links to other posts.
disableReadOtherPosts = false
# Sharing buttons
# There are a lot of buttons preconfigured. If you want to change them,
# generate the buttons here:
# and add them into your own `layouts/partials/sharing-buttons.html`
enableSharingButtons = true
# Integrate Javascript files or stylesheets by adding the url to the external assets or by
# linking local files with their path relative to the static folder, e.g. "css/styles.css"
customCSS = []
customJS = []
# Toggle this option need to rebuild SCSS, requires extended version of Hugo
justifyContent = false # Set "text-align: justify" to .post-content.
# Default theme "light" or "dark"
defaultTheme = "light"
5 years ago
themeColor = "#252627"
# Colors for favicons
mask = "#252627"
msapplication = "#252627"
theme = "#252627"
logoText = "$ cd /home/"
logoHomeLink = "/"
# Set true to remove the logo cursor entirely.
# logoCursorDisabled = false
# Set to a valid CSS color to change the cursor in the logo.
# logoCursorColor = "#67a2c9"
# Set to a valid CSS time value to change the animation duration, "0s" to disable.
# logoCursorAnimate = "2s"
# Uncomment this if you want a portrait on your start page
# [params.portrait]
# path = "/img/image.jpg"
# alt = "Portrait"
# maxWidth = "50px"
# Social icons
name = "email"
url = ""
name = "github"
url = ""
name = "linkedin"
url = ""
name = "stackoverflow"
url = ""
name = "rss"
url = "posts/index.xml"
name = "twitter"
url = ""
# [[]]
# name = "hackerrank"
# url = ""
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url = ""
# [[]]
# name = "medium"
# url = ""
name = "steam"
url = ""
name = "reddit"
url = ""
4 years ago
name = "discord"
url = ""
5 years ago
name = "lbry"
url = ""
name = "youtube"
url = ""
subtitle = ""
weight = 1
copyright = 'All rights reserved.'
identifier = "about"
name = "About"
url = "about/"
identifier = "portfolio"
name = "Portfolio"
url = "portfolio/"
identifier = "posts"
name = "Posts"
url = "posts/"