There are people who think you can hide important things by making it hard to read.
Visit <> to start the challenge.
## Solution
When opening the website we're (for the first time) not provided with a login form. It is still authentication though as we are greeted with a message: "If you have access to it the special present will be shown below:". Also, I noticed the URL changed after about five seconds. That hints at some javascript, so let's open the sources tab in devtools. We find `login.js`.
This looks like some obfuscated code. So I started with de-obfuscating the code. After a few minutes of reading the code, I remembered to always start at the output. And after looking at the `check()` function I found out I had wasted my time.
As it turns out, we don't need to know what the obfuscated code does. If we read the `check()` function carefully, we see that we don't actually need to know what calculate does, we only need the output. I've added the commented code below:
Now that we understand how it works, we cen reverse it. We know that the last part of the key (that is, after the `.`) is the value of calculate and the first part of the key is some base64 encoded JSON.
To reverse the functionality we, firstly, have to know the value of `text` so that we can calculate `count` and thus the last part of the url. Secondly, we calculate the base64 encoded value of `text`.
Now that the key algorithm has been reversed, we can try some inputs. Currently the `userid` in the input is `0`, so lets try `1`.
// > "eyJ1c2VyaWQiOjF9.1075"
Let's try to use this key. As we saw in the `check()` function, the key is submitted as the token. To submit the key, we go to <>.
Now we're greeted with a flag. But be quick, as the `timeout` from `check()` will kick in after five seconds. The flag is `NOVI{0bfusc@t3_all_U_w@n7}`.
This flag can then be submitted for the [challenge](