When looking around on the page, we can see a tic tac toe board with two links in it. These links direct to `/play/y/x` and place an `O` on the board. After placing it, `O` wins.
If we take a look at the source, we also find a bit of javascript:
By the looks of it, it might be a serialized object but we don't know where it came from.
To find out what the backend framework of the server is, we can look at the `Server` header in the http response. This is not always filled in with useful information, but this time it was.
Server: Werkzeug/1.0.1 Python/3.7.10
Here we can see the website uses Python for the backend. This narrows the amount of possible serialization libraries down a lot. A common library used for this in Python is Pickle.
To test whether the cookie is encoded pickle data, we can use the pickle's `loads` function to import the data from a string:
Yes! It's using pickle and we can now try to alter the board.
## Exploit
To alter the board, we can write a little Python script like the following. You can't just put three `X` in a row as the backend checks the game state. To get around this, we can just place a few `O` on the board.