+++ author = "Maik de Kruif" title = "Advent of Code - 2021" date = 2021-12-01T16:41:25+02:00 description = "My participation in Advent of Code 2021." cover = "img/posts/adventofcode/2021_cover.png" tags = [ "AdventOfCode", "algorithms", ] categories = [ "code", ] +++ It's December again!:tada: That doesn't only mean it'll be my birthday soon :birthday:, but I'll also participate in some advent challenges again. Last year I participated in [The Advent of CTF]({{< ref "/posts/adventofctf.md" >}}), but this year I feel like doing some coding challenges. I have heard many people talk about [Advent of Code](https://adventofcode.com/), but have never actually done the challenges. So this year, I'll be busy with Advent of Code. ## Language I'll most likely be solving the problems in Python. This is my preferred language for most thing algoritms. I have thought about using other languages, but due to my internship I won't have much time to solve the problems and thus don't want to spend time looking up the language features. After solving the challenges and waiting for a bit for others to solve them, I'll post my solutions on [my GitHub repo for it](https://github.com/maikka39/Advent-of-Code) ## Competition If you feel like you you can beat me in solving the problems, feel free to join my private leaderboard using the following code: `1337061-861df0da`. You'll have plenty of time as I won't be setting an alarm at 6 A.M. my time to solve them :sleeping:. Happy coding to all of you that are participating!:computer: