+++ author = "Maik de Kruif" title = "Holiday Hack Orientation" subtitle = "Prologue - SANS Holiday Hack Challenge 2024" date = 2024-11-21T13:46:55+01:00 description = "In the Holiday Hack Orientation, we meet Jingle Ringford, who introduces us to the 2024 SANS Holiday Hack Challenge. Our first task is simple; enter the correct answer in the “First Terminal” to unlock the gold medal and begin the adventure!" cover = "img/writeups/holiday-hack-challenge/2024/prologue/orientation/cover.png" tags = [ "Holiday Hack Challenge", "ctf", "hacking", "writeup", ] categories = [ "ctf", "writeups", "hacking", ] +++ ## Link If you want to play the challenge yourself, you can find it here: ## Story line Let's start off by talking to the elf: > Welcome to the Geese Islands and the 2023 SANS Holiday Hack Challenge! > > I'm Jingle Ringford, one of Santa's many elves. > > ... > > Just kidding! It's actually the 2024 SANS Holiday Hack Challenge! > > And although we're on Frosty's Beach on Christmas Island, we'll soon be on our way > back to the North Pole. > > I thought it best to wait here for people that heard we're on the Geese Islands but > may not know we're leaving. > > I haven't seen Santa since we started packing up, but he always asks me to give a > quick orientation to newcomers, so I'm continuing the tradition. > > Before you head out any further onto the island, you need to accomplish two simple > tasks. > > But first, here's a parting gift. I packed this snowball made of the magical, > never-melting snow of Christmas Island. A little souvenir to take with you when we > leave for the North Pole. > > Click on the snowball on your avatar. That's where you will see your Objectives, > Hints, resource links, and Conversations for the Holiday Hack Challenge. > > Now, click on the Cranberry Pi Terminal and follow the on-screen instructions. ## Solving Okay, I doubt we'll need a long writeup here, the HHC starts off easy. Next the elf there is a "First Terminal", let's open it. At the top we can see a simple instruction; "Enter the answer here". {{< figure src="/img/writeups/holiday-hack-challenge/2024/prologue/orientation/terminal.png" title="First Terminal" >}} Let's follow the instruction and enter the text in the top console. And that's it! We got the gold medal!